Saturday, 12 September 2009

Marta Abramowicz

Today interviewed Marta Abramowicz who is the president of the KPH
Group (Campaign Against Homophobia).

In 2003 they took their first big action with a campaign 'Let them see
us'. This was big billboard posters of LGBT people holding hands. It
kick started a national discussion about the place of LGBT people in
Polish society.

This was the first time gay people were shown to be just like everyone
else, which was new to Poland. The general opinion before this was
that gay people should do what they do in secret.

This new visiabilty also saw an increase in homophobia. There was a
strong movement against the campaign from the far right. The leader
of this movement was also the minister for education. A new law was
introduced banning homosexuals from teaching in schools.

In the future she would like to see all LGBT people happy in Poland.
She would like to see partnership laws brought in as well strong
protection against discrimination.

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