Thursday, 10 February 2011

helen the polish police and the american embassy

Last night was the launch event of the equal right to love festival here in Warsaw. The first event was a debate about LGBT people in the uniformed forces and was held at the aptly named brave new world bar. Helen spoke about Merseyside police and their policies for LGBT people along side the us ambassador who spoke about the dont ask dont tell policy and the head of human rights for the polish police. The debate was in polish but I found that the more Lech i drank the more polish i was understanding.

We then went up the street to the launch of a new exhibition of very large oil paintings mainly of naked men.both events were very well attended and it was a very successful launch of the festival.

tim will be posting some of the debate in the next day or so. today we are preparing for the arrival of the rest of the group tonight. The usually quiet oki dokey hostel is in for a shock. Bev

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