Saturday, 12 February 2011

Day One

Breakfast in the Oki Doki hostel is between 8 and 10 and remarkably for the first day in Poland our 8 young people were raring to go by 11. We walked up to the Art Gallery to see a retrospective of the work of gender bending digital artist Katarzyna Kozyra. Andrew felt that she was a man hater. She did chop a couple up in her snow white film so he might have a point. Back at the Oki Dokey we played Jenga and drank beer. Later we went to the Brave New World bar to meet the Polish youth group and saw an amazing opera house music singer. After an evening tour of Warsaw on foot we went to a warehouse concert and Andrew met a lovely Polish boy called John. Much vodka, beer and tequila was drunk and Im told Sophie B fell off the bunk bed ladder in an attempt to spoon Jessie Mc Gee. News came this morning that Lou Muddle has been entered for the Ukranian disco dancing championship.

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