Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Goodbye Poland

A sad goodbye.

Vintage Cat Fashion Show

Featuring an interview with a couple of designers and Sophie B.

Tonight we were back at the brave new world bar for a fashion show of vintage clothing. It looked great and we interviewed the designers and Jess spoke to Justyna about the festival and its influence on LGBT culture and politics. We went and had a really nice pizza and then to the lemon bar which was interesting. Everyone had a good time.

Sunday, 13 February 2011

out and about in warsaw

This is a picture of a memorial for soldiers who have died in different wars. The flame in the middle is not allowed to go out and there are also two soldiers on guard either side of it side stood to attention.

Some spectacular views of amazing architecture and buildings of Warsaw from the thirtieth floor of the Palace of Culture. It was an amazing sight to see even though I was nearly blown away literary by the wind but a long way down!!
this is andrew reporting for project triangle.

Saturday, 12 February 2011

Day One

Breakfast in the Oki Doki hostel is between 8 and 10 and remarkably for the first day in Poland our 8 young people were raring to go by 11. We walked up to the Art Gallery to see a retrospective of the work of gender bending digital artist Katarzyna Kozyra. Andrew felt that she was a man hater. She did chop a couple up in her snow white film so he might have a point. Back at the Oki Dokey we played Jenga and drank beer. Later we went to the Brave New World bar to meet the Polish youth group and saw an amazing opera house music singer. After an evening tour of Warsaw on foot we went to a warehouse concert and Andrew met a lovely Polish boy called John. Much vodka, beer and tequila was drunk and Im told Sophie B fell off the bunk bed ladder in an attempt to spoon Jessie Mc Gee. News came this morning that Lou Muddle has been entered for the Ukranian disco dancing championship.

Friday, 11 February 2011

LGBT People and the Uniformed Forces

Here's a short video showing some of the highlights from the debate about LGBT people and the uniformed forces from Wednesday night.  It was very interesting to hear the experiences of the different services and how fortunate we are in the UK.  Thanks to Zotie for the translation.

10th February

Today was lots of fun!! Airport went well all met on time, even Becky and Val got there before we HAD to check in :)
Sophie was brave and handled here 3rd EVER flight well with the help of KML complimentary beverages.
KML is a winner airline!
Made our connection in perfected timing aside from the fact we were all glowing (or in manlier terms Sweaty mess') at the gate.
Lou Benson is 'Boss' looked after us brilliantly.
Had some beers, zubrovska( impossible to remember spelling but polish vodka), maccies, hobo dances and a great bonding session with the group.
Can only look forward to more exciting times to come :)
BRING ON POLAND!! Warsaw is massive too.
Time for the dance/electro opera. ..
Sian (on left in photo)
over and out

Thursday, 10 February 2011

helen the polish police and the american embassy

Last night was the launch event of the equal right to love festival here in Warsaw. The first event was a debate about LGBT people in the uniformed forces and was held at the aptly named brave new world bar. Helen spoke about Merseyside police and their policies for LGBT people along side the us ambassador who spoke about the dont ask dont tell policy and the head of human rights for the polish police. The debate was in polish but I found that the more Lech i drank the more polish i was understanding.

We then went up the street to the launch of a new exhibition of very large oil paintings mainly of naked men.both events were very well attended and it was a very successful launch of the festival.

tim will be posting some of the debate in the next day or so. today we are preparing for the arrival of the rest of the group tonight. The usually quiet oki dokey hostel is in for a shock. Bev

Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Warsaw 2011

Today we are in Warsaw, bev tim, lou and helen are part of the advanced party of project triangles second visit to the Polish capital to see the "equal right to love youth festival". The rest of the group arrive on thursday. Its cold, there's a little bit of snow in the air and we have spent today drinking hot chocolate, eating and resting in the rather marvellous okie dokey hostel. tonight we take part in a debate around sexuality in the uniformed forces. Im not sure what my contribution will be having only ever been in the brownies. Really looking forward to seeing the rest of the group tomorrow night..keeping my fingers crossed they get make their flight connection on time. Bev x