Friday, 13 November 2009

Radio 4 article by Stephanie Power

Great Radio 4 piece by Stephanie Power looking at Homophobic hate crime in Liverpool (it's about 25 mins in)

It also features a brief interview with Jess from Project Triangle.

Wednesday, 4 November 2009

The First Screening

Ok - here's the finished DVD for tonights screening. It's been an
epic editing process - trying to make sure everyone is included
without central messages being watered down. It's always about balance
and I hope I've got it right. It feels right, and I'm looking forward
to the screening although it's always a nerve racking experience.

The next stage and I suppose the most important one is the development
of the educational and DVD. There's a number of themes that have come
out of the film that we can look at more closely in the DVD. It's
going to be an exciting process.