Thursday, 22 October 2009

The Real Cabaret

Interesting BBC 4 Documentary about the real story behind the film Cabaret and what life was like in Berlin in the 1930's before the Nazi's got into power.

Tuesday, 20 October 2009

The Editing Process

Well - it always takes a lot longer than you think. For the last few
weeks since the trip I've been busy doing follow up interviews and
researching suitable music and archive images.

Structurally, I've broken the film down into 18 sections that I can
knit together once all complete. We managed to obtain some archive
footage filmed by the Russians at the liberation of Auschwitz - we
have the rights to use 30 seconds in the film.

Also have the rights to use a few seconds from a police recruitment
video from 1974 to help illustrate how far we've come in terms of

Still some work to do. We've also been researching relevant news
headlines to feature at the end.

Not long now though until the first screening so onwards and upwards!

Sunday, 11 October 2009

Obama speaks at HRC last night: watch the video

Dear Friend,
Just hours ago, President Obama took 
the podium at HRC's National Dinner to 
talk directly to the LGBT community and 
our many friends and allies.
Find out what Obama said – and be sure to share the news with your friends >>

Sunday, 4 October 2009

Post Trip Interviews

After a short period without a camera, I've now been able to start some of the post trip interviews with members of the group.  To be honest, I also wanted to leave a bit of space for everyone to be able to reflect on the experience.

This week I've spoken to Jess, Emily, Andrew, Jeanette and David.  On Wednesday we had a group feedback session with lots of cake and pop.  It's been great to catch up with everyone again, finding out what they've been doing.

I've been working on the structure for the documentary film based on the footage we have the the various messages and themes we want to put across.  With specialist advice from Paul Muddle, we started looking at some of the additional footage we need for the education pack.  It's all coming together.