Monday, 31 August 2009

Initial Interviews - Tracy O'Hara

On Saturday, I managed to talk to Tracy at Manchester Pride - she's really looking forward to going on the trip. It's a unique opportunity for Merseyside Police to gain an insight into the young people's thoughts, hopes and perceptions around policing in the 21st century, hate crime, as well as remembering the people who suffered in the atrocities of the Holocaust.

It's a chance to show them some of the good work that Merseyside Police do in enaging with young people and examine how other European countries do this. She says there's still a way to go, but it's great to have the chance to look back and see just how far we've actually travelled.

Saturday, 29 August 2009

Manchester Pride

The Police from across the region turned out in force today to support Manchester Pride and I was lucky enough to be be to film them at the march. It was an amazing turnout and they received a great reception from the crowd. Good dancing too.

Friday, 28 August 2009

Warsaw Gay Pride - Press Conference

Initial Interviews - Andrew

Andrew works at the Anglican Catherdral at the Cross Guild, which is a similar role to the Catholic Churchs alter boy. He's been there for 14 years and absolutely loves it. Nobody is derogatory or discriminatory against anyone - everyone is just welcome.

He's really looking forward to meeting the LGBT groups in Poland and is expecting Poland to be a safer place now that is is part of the EU.
In the future, he'd like to see both hetrosexual and homosexual safe sex brought into mainstream education, as he feels young people of today aren't being educated enough on these issues.

Wednesday, 26 August 2009

Initial Interviews - Tim

I caught up with Tim at FACT where he likes to go see films and access the free wifi.

He's put in quite a bit of thought into why he wanted to be involved in this project, which he's outlined below.

"I would have thought, surely a country of which has had such a historical event as the Holocaust would have grown to be more accepting to anyone and everyone of all genres. This is the main reason why I’ve took the opportunity to join Project Triangle and go over to Poland to get a better understanding.
No two people on the planet are the same, and from an early age you see people from all genes being friendly to one and other but grow up to be less tolerant. Is it nature or nurture of which makes us grow up this way and what is the best way to prevent it?"

Thursday, 20 August 2009

Workshop about The Holocaust

Attended a second part of a workshop about The Holocaust last night.
We all talked about how we might feel after visiting Auschwitz as well
as learning more about the scale of the atrocity as well as the

Wednesday, 19 August 2009

A Pansy for Michael Causer

In May, the Pansy Project when to the home of murdered teenager, Michael Causer. Sam Meech took this footage. There is some interesting discussions from everyone, including the police, about homophobia and hate crime.

Tuesday, 18 August 2009

Initial Interviews - Emily

I went up to Ainsdale to meet Emily who is a keen golfer and plays or practices most days.

She's been reading about Auschwitz and is bit nervous about going - she's heard that people say you can't hear birds there.

Emily is also keen to find out more about the homophobia side to the trip - looking at the differences in Poland to the UK. She's not really sure what it's like in Poland, she's heard bits and pieces but would like to find out for herself. She's also excited about getting to know the other young people on the trip.

Monday, 17 August 2009

Coming Out in Poland - Part 2

Coming Out in Poland - Part 1

Part 1 of a great documentary about coming out in Poland.

Anti-gay attacks in Iraq

I heard this shocking news story on the radio this morning. It really hit home, particularly as we've been looking into the historical persecution of LGB & T people as preparation for this trip.

Initial Interviews - Becky

I met up with Becky at Liverpool's Pier Head - she said it was usually quiet and peaceful, although, on the day we went, it proved to be quite busy.

Becky is looking forward to finding out about the history of LGB&T people in different places and how different life is now to what it was.

Initial Interviews - Sarah

As an initial introduction to the film, it's important that the young people have the opportunity to say what's important to them, what they enjoy doing, and reflect on their life in Merseyside.

So, I've started to meet up with some of the group in their own areas. My first interview was with Sarah where likes to hang out in the new Liverpool One development with her friends.

Sarah is really interested in history (particularly World War 2), and she thinks that the trip will help her appreciate the freedoms she has in this country.